
Several special-purpose committees are formed and empowered by the Board of Directors to perform specific tasks. Rather than being elected to terms, these committees simply include particularly motivated permanent members with special skill sets. These committees report their activities to the public at the regular monthly Board of Directors meetings.

Documents Committee

Created by Tyler Ward the Documents Committee was created to have a consistent body of individuals helping to improve the governing documents and policies of the Rising Winds. With the ever-growing tech resources, they have also expanded in monitoring the Kingdom’s online assets as well. This committee’s interim chair is Adam Hill.

Site Search Committee

The Site Search Committee was created in order to find locations that would be beneficial sites for day events and overnight camping events within the areas of the Rising Winds. This committee is co-chaired by KasSandra Love-Crokos and Kaydee Diemler, and is open to any member of the Rising Winds that wants to help.

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising committee was created to find inventive ways to generate revenue for the kingdom and its lands to use to increase production value via props and materials. Currently our Teespring, Redbubble, and other avenues are utilized to generate income for upkeep and a better experience for our membership. This committee is chaired by Matt Loudermilk.

Recruitment Committee

The Recruitment Committee is focused on growing the Kingdom of the Rising Winds through hosting New Player events, and organizing educational content for those just taking their first footsteps in the community. They draw in talent from around the Kingdom to help chapters learn how to best engage with potential New Players, and help manage the recruitment material that goes out. Their recruitment activities are primarily focused on April 1st through September 30th, each year, though some educational content or preparation activities may go on outside of those months. This committee is co-chaired by Adam Rohr and Joshua George.